The Government of Canada through World Vision funded the reprinting of 4,000 Nabanga Pikinini books to be distributed into the schools damaged by cyclone Pam. Books were also given to the students at the Vanuatu Institute of Teachers Education by Kendra Derousseau from World Vision Port Vila.

To speed up delivery and avoid too many lost small packages of books Pauline Grindley teamed up with the National Library and Archives. They were sent many boxes of books from Random House New Zealand and Kiwanis New Zealand. Using the World Vision/Nabanga Pikinini distribution money the Nabanga Pikinini books were included in the National Library boxes of books for shipping and delivery. Everyone was happy!
Included in the boxes for the primary schools were chalk, crayons and pencil crayons donated by Rotary Club Kobe in Japan through Rotary Club Port Vila.
The first half of our deliveries were to East Efate and Emao island.
We had arrived at the schools unannounced - Nelly was left to do the explaining at each school and then smiles when the books were unpacked.
And a week later we headed off to the West coast of Efate including deliveries to the islands of Lelepa, Moso, Nguna and Pele ending with a delicious laplap lunch at Janet Bunyan's home in Panganisu. Belinda from Mama's Laef came with us.
After lunch we had one more stop - we had not been able to find anyone at Malatia Primary - the school was closed because there was no water. Janet told us where to find the Principals home. We drove there only to frighten his small son who burst into tears - he was at home all alone. The neighbours came over and we explained our reason for being there, dropped off the books and gave a copy of Nabanga Pikinini to the now quiet little chap.
All illustrations, stories and photographs are © Pauline Grindley and the Vanuatu Cultural Centre 2014.
Any unauthorised copying, editing or exhibition is strictly forbidden |